quantification settlement agreement造句
- The Quantification Settlement Agreement intended to provide a pathway for restoring this ecosystem.
- In 2003 with the Quantification Settlement Agreement ( QSA ), CVWD's quantified right to Colorado River Water is 450, 000 acre feet.
- The Imperial Irrigation District faced significant criticism in 2012 when it was reported that it was not conserving as much water as stipulated under the Quantification Settlement Agreement.
- In addition to the purported environmental benefits, the Quantification Settlement Agreement is of particular importance to the Imperial Valley region due to the economic conditions of the area.
- The State of California has connected the Quantification Settlement Agreement to the Salton Sea crisis, and has attempted to highlight the planned environmental restoration benefits of the compact.
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- However, due to changes in water apportionments agreed upon for the Colorado River under the Quantification Settlement Agreement of 2003, the overall water level of the sea is expected to decrease significantly between 2013 and 2021.
- As of December 8, 2011, the California Court of Appeal for the Third District has ruled in favor of the major state and federal water authorities, and determined that the Quantification Settlement Agreement does not violate the California Constitution.
- Under the nation's largest ag-to-urban water conservation transfer agreement ( called the Quantification Settlement Agreement, a series of pacts between California water districts to help California live within its 4.4 million acre-foot entitlement right of Colorado River water ), since 2003 water has been, and continues to be, released to the Salton Sea to mitigate negative environmental impacts.
- This loss of flow, coupled with the projected per day decrease in flow in the river at the border when the InterGen and Sempra Energy power plants reach capacity in Mexicali, the estimated decrease in flow due to projects pursuant to the terms of the Quantification Settlement Agreement, and the water transfer between the Imperial Irrigation District and the San Diego County Water Authority will have devastating water quality impacts on the Salton Sea.
- They note that " The first benchmark, set for December 31, 2002, required the California water agencies to enter into a Quantification Settlement Agreement . " The same group notes that the Secretary of the Interior determined in July 2003 that the Imperial Irrigation District, which also has authority over the water supply for the Salton Sea, was wasting 300, 000 acre-feet of water per year and threatened to remove that allotment without compensation under the QSA.
- Much attention has been paid to the impact of the Quantification Settlement Agreement on the Salton Sea, and " Wired Magazine " notes that " Considered to be among the world's most vital avian habitats and-until recently-one of its most productive fisheries, the Salton Sea is in a state of wild flux . " At one time a thriving ecosystem formed following an irrigation accident in 1905, the Salton Sea has increasingly faced higher levels of salinity in addition to shrinking water volume.